Adjustments to Premium Restrictions
May 8, 2019: As we prepare to enter Beta testing with our brand new, mobile app, we’re planning some adjustments to our premium/free services to more fully integrate the app and website experience.
For the first time ever, our premium restrictions will be mostly the same, regardless of whether you’re using the app or the website.
While that is going to make for a more seamless app/website experience, it does require adjustments, as our old restrictions varied widely between the app and website. As we’ve planned for those adjustments, we’ve attempted to find a good balance--making sure to find opportunities to free up some restrictions as we tighten others.
Here’s a quick rundown of the adjustments coming for non-premium members:
We’re making two adjustments to free up messaging:
You will now be able to browse your inbox without any limits on how many messages you can see
You will now be able to make unlimited inbox searches
At a later date, we will also begin purging much older messages for non-premium users (messages older than 1 year), however we will give ample notice of that shift and provide a generous grace period for members who’ve previously purchased premium but no longer have it.
We’re also making one adjustment to photo and thumbnail viewing: The total thumbnails displayed in any photo list is now 30.
Earlier this year, we unveiled our new private photos feature and at that time we raised the photo upload limit to 200 photos. We’ll also be adjusting the total limit of outgoing private album requests to 5 per day.
Increases are also coming to our block limits:
For all Grommr, Chasabl and male-identified Feabie members, the block limit will be raised to 30.
The current limit for all Ferzu users and all other Feabie users will remain the same.
We realize that these adjustments can be confusing, especially considering that our previous restrictions were not consistent across platforms. We hope that they will help to make Grokio Communities easier to navigate and understand, whether you’re logging in on your computer or your phone.
These adjustments may start appearing at different times, depending on which communities you use.
To see the current premium restrictions for your community, visit the Plans page for Grommr, Feabie, Chasabl or Ferzu.