Feabie Announcement: Forklyft


April 1, 2023: We are thrilled to announce that Feabie is partnering with the ridesharing company Lyft to finally launch a food-delivery competitor to UberEats.

It’s called ForkLyft.

Do you love the convenience of UberEats, but not the limitations on the quantity of food that can be transported in a standard sedan or SUV? Well you’re in luck!

Because ForkLyft is the first food delivery app to utilize a fleet of vehicles made up entirely of actual forklifts. That means pallets of food, delivered to your door, at the press of a button.

Why order one pizza, when you can order 100?

Why choose between Kung Pao and Orange Chicken when you can order the whole menu?

Why buy one carton of boost, when you can get a lifetime supply?



When executives at Lyft first reached out to us in 2022, we thought there must have been a mistake. What would a ridesharing app want to do with a community like Feabie. Then we saw the data they were seeing.

It turns out, 90% of UberEats profits come from the fattest 10% of UberEats customers. The problem? These customers were being held back by the space limitations of a standard personal automobile.

Before Lyft could enter the market, however, they needed their own data: What exactly are the tastes of the fattest 10% of the population? Enter Feabie. For the last year, we worked in close collaboration with Lyft’s Flourishing Adipose Team to examine public Feabie user data to craft the ideal offerings and portion sizes.

That means a forklift pallet of food curated to your tastes, at the tap of a button: A pallet for every palate.

As of April 1, 2023, ForkLyft is currently in Beta testing in the following markets: 

  • Henderson, NV

  • Allentown, PA

  • Providence, RI

  • Palmdale, CA

  • Youngstown, OH

  • Ames, IA

  • Plano, TX

  • Rochester, NY

  • Independence, MO

  • Lafayette, LA

  • Fort Wayne, IN

  • Ocala, FL

  • Omaha, NE

  • Lexington, KY

  • Stamford, CT