Photo & Image Policy

All Grokio communities abide by a strict adult image policy. Any images found in violation of these rules may be removed or moved to your private photos album. Repeated or severe violations of our photo policy may result in disciplinary action taken against your account.

No nudity: Including depictions from the front, back or side of the groin, genitalia, buttox, or pubic area.

No obscured nudity: Including covering any of the above listed areas with a hand, towel, black box, digital art, emoji etc.

No outlines of nudity: Including the clear outline of any of the above listed areas through opaque, sheer or transparent clothing.

No sexually suggestive poses: Including grabbing genitals, spread legs, torso bent over, etc.

No manipulation of pants: Including pants pulled down, unbuttoned, pulled outward, etc.

No sexual acts: Including self-stimulation and images in which the sexual act is obscured.

No bodily fluids/excretions: Including real or simulated sexual fluids, blood, urine, scat, etc.

No close up focus on individual body parts: Including, but not limited to, the groin, buttox, breast, nipple, mouth, etc.

No sex toys: Including fetish toys and suggestive genitalia shaped objects.

No crude behavior: Including obscene gestures, etc.

No profanity: Including any curse words.

No violence or gore: Including depictions of blood, wounds, or violent acts towards any person or animal, including self-harm.

No firearms: Including depictions of any gun capable of discharging lethal force.

No non-consensual subjects: Including any photo in which the subject was not aware a picture was being taken (aka “creeper shots”).

No illegal drug use: Including depictions of drugs that are legal in some but not all jurisdictions (e.g. marijuana).

No underage subjects: Including any person appearing to be under age 18, regardless of intent.

No disparagement: Including screenshots, memes or images intended to encourage ridicule toward another community member.

Ferzu only: No AI-generated Images: On Ferzu only, the posting of AI-generated images is not allowed.

On all other communities: All AI-generated images must be captioned as such: On all platforms except Ferzu (where AI-generated images cannot be posted at all) AI art must be captioned. For more information and examples of acceptable captions, please review out AI-generated images policy here.

No violating our community rules: Including images that violate our harassment, disparagement or intolerance policies or any other Grokio community rule. Read the full list of Community Conduct Rules.


Related Articles

Community Conduct Rules

Photo Classification Guide