The username must begin with “GainerArt_” (including the underscore). This is to allow users to find the community relevant art we are posting to our site by using our search tool. This will also allow our admins to ensure that all of our GainerArt profiles are following our rules.
The profile must include your primary account’s username in the profile text. GainerArt profiles cannot be anonymous.
Profile text must also include the following disclaimer: “This is a vetted GainerArt profile. For inquiries about making your own GainerArt profile please visit the page here for more information: https://grokio.atlassian.net/servicedeskwiki/customer/portal/4/topic/5f4c2c62-4d5c-4bdf-84b7-b0caeb98644c/article/65765417"x/KYDrAw“
General Rules
In addition to the above items, the following rules cover GainerArt profiles: