While we strictly forbid users to charge access for Except where indicated below, the promotional posting of paid content is not allowed in the newsfeed or photofeed. A post, comment, caption or photo is considered promotional if it links to or indicates where someone can find content or services for purchase, including but not limited to personal pay sites, content for sale, subscription services and cam shows. Attempts to circumvent this rule, for example by implying content is available for sale, referring users to one's profile (where there is a link to paid content), or using a watermark to promote paid content are considered violations.
Members are free to post links and promote their paid content in the body of their profiles and with members in one-on-one private messages if they have established an ongoing conversation. Unsolicited promotional private messages or postings on someone else’s wall are not allowed.
We also do not allow users to charge for access to the private folder on their profile.
On Feabie and Ferzu Only:
We do not allow users to charge for access to the private folder on their profile. However, since professional content creation is a cornerstone of the Feabie and Ferzu communities we do allow content creators on those communities to use the newsfeeds/photofeeds newsfeed and photofeed to promote community-relevant paid content, as long as the promotional postings adhere to the following conditions: